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Sunday, February 3, 2008

Revelation Chapter 13. The Antichrist and False Prophet




REV 13:1 And the dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns, and on each head a blasphemous name.

REV 13:2 The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.

REV 13:3 One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was astonished and followed the beast.

REV 13:4 Men worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, "Who is like the beast? Who can make war against him?"

REV 13:5 The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty-two months.

REV 13:6 He opened his mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven.

REV 13:7 He was given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them. And he was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation.

REV 13:8 All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast- all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world.

REV 13:9 He who has an ear, let him hear.

REV 13:10 If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity he will go. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword he will be killed. This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of the saints.

This beast is traditionally identified with the Antichrist. We shall put forward some reasons why this is so in a few moments.

13:1 "a beast" c/f v2 - implies he is a person.

"rising out of the sea" c/f 17:15, the sea is the masses of rebellious humanity. The sea was to the Jew a picture of restlessness and rebellion, the abode of Tiamat, the Creation Chaos monster, the seven headed dragon.

The fact that he rises “out of the sea” probably indicates he is not a Jew, though how he passes himself off as the Christ in that situation eludes me.

"ten horns and seven heads and ten diadems on its horns"
For a full explanation of this we will wait to ch 17 where the meaning becomes plain. However using the findings established there in summary we can say in advance:

(i) The "seven heads" speak of seven Gentile empires which, in God's plan, would rule the world.

(ii) The "ten horns" are the characteristic of the seventh head, all the horns are found there, thus indicating that the seventh empire is composed of "ten" military/political units, or countries. A "horn" in scripture usually speaks of military or political strength.

C/f 17:12 - "the ten horns are ten kings"

Hence we are concerned here with the ruler of the 10 nation end time empire rising out of Rome.

(iii) The position of the "diadems" indicates the phase of the beast's existence that we are looking at. The diadems are all on the ten horns (of the seventh head), thus indicating we are looking historically at the last Gentile empire of the age. These ten kings “unite together to give their authority to the Beast”, the Antichrist (17:12,13).

When we compare this beast with the Dragon of Ch 12 we see the Dragon has “7 diadems on his heads” (12:3). Satan, in this age, is the ruler of all of the
Gentile empires so the “diadems” (king’s crowns) are found on his heads, thus indicating his rule extends over all 7 Gentile empires. In Ch 13, however, the Beast has “10 Diadems on his horns” indicating that his kingly rule is limited to the 10 nations that make up the empire of the 7th head.

(iv) This beast, then, is the king over all the last empire. This picture conforms with Daniel 7:23-25 where the ten kings give their power to the last king.

(v) The heads and the horns show that this person has a unique relationship to Satan. We are to understand the picture to mean that in every way in his character he is identical to Satan, in other words he is totally Satan Possessed and controlled.

"a blasphemous name on his heads"
Traditionally each head of Tiamat had a blasphemous name on it.
By "blasphemy" we are to understand that the beast claimed for itself divinity. The Antichrist claims to be God, thus demanding worship from men.

Being on his "head" indicates that the person depicted here is blasphemous to the root of his character.

The readers of the early Church would have quickly seen in this picture the Roman emperors who claimed divinity. This claim was reproduced on their coins. However throughout history it has always been the case that the rulers of the seven Gentile empires have claimed divinity, hence we find a blasphemous name "upon its heads" - every head has one, not just the Roman head.

C/f - Daniel 7:25; Matthew 24:15; 2 Thessalonians 2:4.

13:2 "leopard...bear...lion"
The symbolism comes, in part, from Daniel and also, in part, from ancient astrology and mythology and we are meant to refer back there to understand what is meant. Each of these animals in traditional mythology was one of the empires:
Leopard - Greece.
Bear - Medo Persia.
Lion - Neo -Babylon.

Three thoughts are contained here:
(1) The geographical spread of the Antichrist's empire will encompass all of the territory found in these three ancient empires. This seems to be consistent with other scriptures about the Antichrist's conquests (Daniel 10-12). However it is clear from other prophecies that Egypt and Persia (Iran) have a separate existence for a time.

(2) Each of these empires was tyrannical and persecuted God's people. The summation of them all together here reinforces the picture of the seven heads. Whereas before each empire only consisted of one head (one spiritual ruler), this tyrant has the whole seven - we are to see here that he will be seven times worse than any previous historical leader. The leopard, bear and lion reinforce this idea - he is to be the summation of the evil of these empires.

(3) The empire has the appearance of sleekness and efficiency (the jaguar) but it tramples underfoot anyone who opposes it (the bear) and its words and laws are harsh and cruel (the lion).

"to it the Dragon gave its power and his throne and authority"
This throne was offered to Christ (Matthew 4:8-10) and rejected. But the false Christ seeks his own glory. As the incarnation of Satan he is given Satan's power on earth.

John is not saying here that all politics are Satanic. Politics is a necessity of ordered life in society, and was ordained by God for the benefit of mankind (Romans 13:1ff). It is a defence established by God which contains evil within set bounds. However politics goes demonic when political beings or systems are held up as objects of worship. Religion and politics when mixed together in this age always end up demonic. Hence under the Law of Moses they were divided, Moses the Political Leader, Aaron the Priest. One needs to ask whether the idea of a “Christian Political Party” is a good idea. The history of the world shows that religious (including Christian) political parties always end up more repressive and anti-Christian than purely secular parties. (We need to remember that both The German Nazi party and Communism are Christian heresies! They are not secular parties)

13:3 “as if it had been mortally wounded”
The “beast” is a parody of Christ. Previously Christ had been portrayed as a "lamb freshly slaughtered" (5:6) now we see the Antichrist apparently slaughtered and following that what appears to be a resurrection. Presumably the unlocking of the secrets of life and death referred to in Revelation 9:6 which backfires is begun by this resurrection of Antichrist.

In the Ancient Roman Empire this belief had a popular form. It was widely held that Nero was going to come back from the dead. He had been the worst emperor and persecutor of the Church. His return would thus fulfil the idea that "he is an eighth, but is one of the seven" (17:11), however this phrase has an even deeper, more horrible meaning, as we shall find when se get to Ch 17.

.What causes this death? Is it the death of the empire, or just its ruler? Is there some war that when almost lost turns to victory because of some Satanic miracle? We do not know.

However as a result of this resurrection the "whole world" begins to "follow him with wonder".

What is meant by the "whole world" here is debatable. Clearly Antichrist's empire does not extend to the whole world, also this phrase is often used in the Bible to mean "that part of the world with which we are interested, the known world". Hence it may not be wise to take it too literally here. Rather it may refer to the Antichrist's empire which by this stage extends from Britain to the Middle East, including parts of Northern Africa and the Ancient Persian Empire.

However the destruction of the Americas and the “putting down of three kings” (Daniel 7:24) by the Antichrist may lead to the whole world giving some nominal allegiance or submission to the Antichrist. After all, “Who is able to make war against him?” (Revelation 13:4).

However this "following" does not mean the same as "worship" in v4. The impact Antichrist has made on the world has really got men's attention, and this is about all we can make it mean. Hence the "whole world" may be literal. It is hard to say for sure.

13:4 "Men worshiped the Dragon, because he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast"
The Satanic origin of the Antichrist is not hidden to the world. His power source and nature are clearly visible to all. The phrase here indicates that Satan Worship and Antichrist Worship becomes quite widespread, but it does not say that everyone does it. Where the "following with wonder" seems to be universal, the "worshipping" is more restricted.

"who is like the beast..."
This is a statement of amazement, but it is not of pure wonder. It is fatalistic. Men give into the Antichrist and his system and submit to Satanic worship because of the realisation that the resist is folly leading to death. The worship is not voluntary, there is not necessarily a "conversion" to this religion by most people. Rather it is just a matter of convenience.

"Who can fight it?"
The Antichrist seems to have absolute power.
The key to understanding Antichrist is to see that the aim is to have men worship Satan.

13:5 "a mouth... haughty and blasphemous words"
C/f Daniel 7:8,20,25. We are to identify these as being the same person.

"was given" - he is not in control himself. Satan controls him – he is given authority by Satan.

"forty two months" - the last 3½ years, the Tribulation.

13:6 "against God, his name, his dwelling, that is those who dwell in heaven".
To "Blaspheme" is not just to "curse" as in English, rather it means:
(i) "to do or say anything that desecrates the divine name or violates his glory and deity".
(ii) To proclaim oneself to be divine.
Hence actions against God are implied. As God himself is not present the attack centres on "his dwelling", that is the Church, those who have residency in heaven, though still sojourning here on earth.

Ephesians 2:6; Philippians 3:20.
The dwellers in heaven rub shoulders with the dwellers of Earth. This is because God makes his dwelling with men through the Church (7:15, 21:3). There is a “New Jerusalem” “coming down from heaven” (3:12, 21:2). This is not a single final event, but happens throughout Church history. Hence God's glory is present for all to see who want to.

Daniel 8:10;7:25 "stars" = saints?
They are defamed and trampled down by Antichrist. It seems unlikely that this refers to good angels who would be beyond his reach, though it may refer to fallen angels.

"his name" = his power and person.

13:7 "make war on the saints and conquer them"
This must be in a restricted sense. He does not conquer them spiritually during this time, so the reference is to purely physical martyrdom.

"authority ... over every tribe and people and tongue and nation"
Completing the parody of Christ who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. But again it must be understood in a restricted sense. Antichrist clearly does not gain full control over the whole earth, or at least not for long, otherwise how could he have two vast armies against him at Armageddon? Also he has to put down three kings in his own empire, and fight long battles in Palestine (Daniel).

Hence we are to see here a legal authority. It may be that Antichrist is given world domination by some sort of United Nations body. He may become General Secretary of the UNO with extended powers. But the legal position is not what happens in actual fact. Clearly his actual control over the parts of the world not already defined above (see notes on 13:1) is very limited. Undoubtedly he is supreme ruler of a United Europe. With the demise of the USA this is clearly the foremost military power.

13:8 "all who dwell on earth will worship it"
But not with any conviction it would seem. This obligatory worship could be the trigger which brings about the rebellion which leads to Armageddon.

"book of life"
God has our names in it, but this does not negate free will. Gods' list is based on prior knowledge of our response.

13:9 "if anyone has an ear let him hear"
A call to listen with spiritual ears, Christians take note!.

13:10 "If anyone is taken into captivity...slain..."
Clearly the Antichrist will try to enforce his rule by a campaign of repression. The following phrase "this is a call for the endurance of the saints" indicates that they are the prime target of his oppressive rule.

Jeremiah 15:2; 43:11 - John is clearly adapting Jeremiah's words here but not with the same meaning.

Ladd: The RSV takes the first part to refer to Christians who will be persecuted, the second part to the persecutors - they do not have the last word, their punishment will fit the crime.

Caird: Four reasons why we are to take it as a challenge to the conqueror:
(i) The Church must let itself be overcome as her Lord was.
(ii) The threat of prison is meaningful for the martyr, but not for the worshiper of the beast.
(iii) John frequently echoes Jesus' teaching c/f Matthew 26:52.
(iv) v10 - This is a call...for the saints".


REV 13:11 Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon.

REV 13:12 He exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed.

REV 13:13 And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men.

REV 13:14 Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the earth. He ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived.

REV 13:15 He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.

REV 13:16 He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead,

REV 13:17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.

REV 13:18 This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.

About this person we know little.

The totalitarian state of the Antichrist, like all dictatorships cannot survive on brute force alone. It needs ideology. The False Prophet supplies that.
An ideal can be a terrible thing. Men will do horrific things if it is for "the highest good".

13:11 "another beast" Greek= "another one of like kind".

"from the land"
Traditionally Leviathan (Tiamat) was in the sea and Behemoth lived on the land.
1 Enoch 60:7ff; 4 Ezra 6:49ff; 2 Baruch 29:4.
Does this mean that he comes out of Israel or the Church, if the “seas” mean the rebellious masses of mankind?

He is generally identified with the “False Prophet” (16:13, 19:20, 20:10). This seems a reasonable identification as he “causes the earth and all those who dwell init to worship the first beast… (v12)”. I see no reason to challenge this identification.

He is a false Elijah calling fire from heaven preparing the way for the false Christ.

"two horns like a lamb"
A parody of Christ - a lamb like appearance. Horns speak of power, two of witness, i.e. his power is in his witness to Antichrist.

Christ as a lamb has seven horns (5:6).

This false prophet works in the Church as well. He "looks like a lamb" - on the surface he appears to be kosher. The Church will end up supporting the Antichrist and state ideology.

"but it spoke like a dragon".
Its lamb-like appearance is belied by the Satanic voice. He represents religion used in the support of Antichrist. He is a sort of False Pope. He may be the leader of a United Church of all Religions. He epitomizes all that can go wrong in religion, and his utterances are cruel and harsh.

13:12 "It exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence"
As in Ancient Babylon the priesthood controlled the king, so too here. The OT separates the priestly and kingly functions as sinful man cannot handle the combination of power. Wherever religion controls politics we see the system of Antichrist, e.g. the Dark Ages, or in Islam countries. The authority thus gained by religion in politics always ends up making terrible laws and enforcing them "in the name of God".

At the time of Christ the priesthood controlled politics, Babylon was in Jerusalem then.

"and makes the inhabitants of the earth worship the first beast"
He is not a competition to the beast, but his henchman. He gets the system of emperor worship underway. He does not seek his own glory, but that of Antichrist. Again we are told that his main job is to secure “worship” – his is a religious role, he is not a political leader but a religious leader.

13:13 Satanic signs.
C/f Deuteronomy 13:1-3. Miracles do not in themselves attest the spiritual origin of the prophet.

13:14,15. "and image...made the image speak".
The power to make an image speak was well known in the ancient world. It is the supreme claim to divinity, the ability to do what God does - create life.

"cause all be slain"
Genocide of an economic type, but the essence is the worship of Satan. It is sold to the world as an economic protection and cure all from corruption, but it is really a means of spiritual control.

13:16 The Satanic seal.
C/f 7:1-7. God has his seal – the Holy Spirit. Satan has his seal – 666. The point is that you have a choice – you can be sealed by God or by Satan. Whether or not you will be sealed is not a matter of choice – the only choice is this, “Who will seal you?” At the end of the age every person will have personally chosen whose seal they will wear – God’s or Satan’s.

“Marked” Greek = charagma = (i) The imperial stamp on commercial documents.
(ii) The Emperors head on coins.
In Rome all slaves were so tattooed, also the members of trade guilds at Thyatira (2:18-29).

"on forehead...or right hand"
- means under the authority of.
"on right hand" means “is working for, and has given strength to".

13:17 Complete financial control. Christians will need another source of supply.

"the number of his name"
(i) The "name" means the character and authority. To accept the beast's mark is to accept his character into your life and come under his authority.

(ii) In Hebrew, Greek and Latin alphabets each letter has a numeric value. This is called geometria. Unfortunately though it is easy to convert a name to a number it is not possible to work in reverse, many combinations of letters can add up to the same sum, so the original name cannot be worked out knowing only the number.
A sum has only one correct answer, but an answer may be the result of any sums.
e.g. 3+ 5+4 = 12
but 12 also = 1+2+9; 2+4+6; 3:3+6, etc

13:18. "666"
John gives us the number of the beast. He clearly expects his readers to be able to calculate the meaning. If they knew the key they were lucky - we do not.

Some suggestions:

(i) Wherever the Antichrist system appears in history this number will appear. E.g. the Chinese senate has 666 seats. In Papal Europe in the Dark Ages the titles of the Popes added up to 666, 666 appears in Satanic cults, Masonry etc; It appears in Islam.

(ii) The six Roman numerals I V X L C D add up to 666, implying the Beast is Roman.

(iii) Christ = 888 (in Greek) and speaks of perfection. Hence 6 speaks of falling short. The trebling of a number indicates its perfection, hence the Antichrist is the perfection of Falling short.

(iv) 6 often speaks of man. 3 of the Godhead. 666 could suggest man making himself to be God, i.e. humanism, the system by which Satan attempts to control man in his spirit, soul and body.

(v) 6x6x6 - length x breadth x height = the sum of all human achievements is the Antichrist. Man will reach his full development in sin, in him.

(vi) Caesar Nero, in Latin = Kaiser Neron, when transliterated to Hebrew adds up to 666. Hence the belief in a reincarnation of Nero could be hinted at. The problem is most of John's readers would not know Hebrew, also when written in Hebrew the vowels would need to be omitted, so the calculation would be different.

(vii) All the numerals from 1-36 add up to 666. The word "beast" occurs 36x in Revelation.

(viii) It has been suggested that every person in the world would be bar coded with a mark only visibly under ultra violet rays. To bar code a person with all the necessary details would be an easy way of eliminating fraud, theft, etc. But to do so, it has been estimated, would require an 18 digit bar code, hence 666. Without a number a person would be a “non-person” as far as the system is concerned.

In reality, in history, whenever the system of Antichrist appears the number 666 appears also. We will recognise it when it comes. Too much speculation before the event is a waste of time.

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