An Essay: The Symbol of
v2 "As men moved eastward" - The implication is that they were all moving together as one group after the flood. Here was an attempt to keep the new society together. Hence they set out to "Build a city" (v4) that is a communal dwelling place where they could all settle down together and live. They perceived that their strength was in unity. Once mankind was fragmented they knew they would lose strength.
Religion is a unifying factor in any society, so it was necessary to have a religious centre. The Tower was a religious shrine. Throughout the Ancient Near East such imitation mountains, or ziggurats, were constructed with shrines on their top layers. The positioning of these towers were set by astrologers so that the towers could be used to study the stars for religious guidance through astrology. Clearly the tower was to be the religious and social centre of the new community.
Genesis 11:4 - "Let us make a name for ourselves".
While they worked together there was no limit to what they could do.
(a) A confusion of languages.
(b) A scattering of Mankind.
(c) A Denigration of Religion.
Linguists today who have been tracing through history to find the origin of language now believe that mankind originally spoke a common language, thus agreeing with the claims of the Bible.
The confusion of language involves firstly a confounding of vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and phraseology.
Secondly the uniformity of speech meant a uniformity in mental thought in the community. Language is the expression of the mind, so in a common language we find tremendous power. Hence the confusion of languages is also a confusion of the basic mental conceptions of mankind. The fact is each language group today has its own special linguistic "spirit". Hence in some cultures the language has allowed the development of science, whilst in others scientific concepts are almost impossible to express. Other examples can be given of how languages differ.
The original language of the Garden of Eden was like a mirror of God's ability to speak. When God shattered that mirror at
Community of speech involved a vigorous uniformity of mental life. The result was amazing advance in science, the arts, etc. Mythology looks back to a golden age of man before the flood, but this continued until
As a result of this confusion of tongues mankind could no longer agree together, so a split was inevitable. The aim of the tower was to preserve unity, so God effectively divided mankind throughout the earth.
It seems as if God sovereignly forced people to move over the face of the earth very rapidly after
However mankind still had a general revelation of God's nature and purposes, and an inner religious nature that needed to be satisfied. Hence man turned again to the Satanic, now strengthened by the addition of the Demonic spirits loosed after the flood.
That this general revelation was held by every culture is strongly proven in:
Richards :- Eternity in their Hearts.
He shows that the knowledge of one true God and his promised redeemer was a common belief of all ancient peoples. The belief in pluralism was a later addition to their religious thought.
The desire of the demons to be worshiped allowed the growth of animism.
However there was also a Satanic religion set up at
Genesis 10:6-12 11:1-9.
1 Chronicles 1:10.
Hislop. Rev.A., "THE TWO BABYLONS."
Hislop analyses the major religious myths of mankind in his book. He convincingly demonstrates that all of these myths are essentially the same and go back to a common source. The only variations are cultural and name changes from culture to culture.
Hislop demonstrates how these myths are all based on the revelation of God's purposes given to Adam by God in the Garden of Eden before man was expelled. This revelation is summarised in Genesis 3:15 but the details were pictured by God in the stars in the constellations. “The heavens declare the glory of the Lord”.
Hislop shows how this original revelation was perverted by interpreting it with respect to events surrounding the
Hislop then shows how this religion began at
This Babylonian religion is the source of all false religion. It is, in a very real sense, the "Mother of All Harlots" (Revelation 17:5). It is the system referred to in Revelation, and elsewhere in the Bible.
(a) Hermes (
Hermes was considered to be the great original prophet of idolatry, and is recognised by pagans to be the founder of their religious rites. He was known as "the Interpreter of the Gods".
(b) Nebo (
He was the prophetic "god" and was the ringleader in a movement which produced the division of tongues (Gen 11).
(c) Mercury (
The ringleader in building a tower.
(d) Bel - the founder of
(e) Janus (
The name
(f) Vulcan (
The Chaldee word for club also means "to break in pieces and scatter abroad" (c/f Genesis 11:8,9) which in Greek is hephaizt, which is another name for Vulcan, the "father" of the Greek gods who also carried a hammer.
1 Chronicles 1:10 - "mighty man" = "warrior".
Genesis 10:11 (alternative translation):
"Out of that land he went forth, being made strong, and he builded
The ruins of
(a) Ninus, the son of Bel.
(b) Kronos, or Saturn, the king of the Cyclops.
The Cyclops were known as the inventors of tower building. Saturn is also called the father of the gods. He is called this because in the "mysteries" he was the first man to be deified, i.e to call himself a god, thus reaching the height of human sin.
He is depicted as a giant horned bull, or Reem.
Reem = Bull, prince, ruler.
Horns - symbolise might, power.
i.e. "horned bull" = mighty prince, ruler (c/f Gen 10:9).
Nimrod was the son of
(c) Bacchus. (
Also known as Dionysus or Iacchus. The son of the Mother God.
The rites of Bacchus and Osirus are the same.
Bacchus was drawn in a coach pulled by leopards.
Also called Aithiopais = Son of Aethiops.
Aethiops = the Cushites (Black People).
i.e. Aethiops =
i.e. Bacchus = son of
(d) Woden (
(e) Osiris (
Was worshiped the same way as Ninus.
Was depicted Black.
Was clothed in a leopard skin. The name Nimrod means, "the subduer of the Leopard".
Depicted as a calf or young bull called APIS who is, in
Ninus conquered
Child = KHONS (= "to chase") = the huntsman (c/f Gen 10:9).
Khons = Latin God CONSUS =
= Saturn (the god of mysteries, the Hidden one).
Father of Khons = "The Hidden God". I.e. the father and the son are seen as the same so that the child could be claimed to be Nimrod reincarnated.
The Centaur (half man half horse) is a memorial to the man who first used horses.
Centaur = Kronos, Saturn
= (in the zodiac Sagittarius, the Archer.)
Called Iswara, presented at the breast of his mother Isi, or Parvati.
(h) Other names include Eros, Cupid (son of Venus i.e. Venus = Semiramus),
(a) Idol Worship.
In particular the images of Nimrod at first, but others came later, as we shall see.
(b) Spiritism.
That is demon worship. What the fallen angels began the demons now continued with gusto.
(c) Perverted Astrology - for personal predictions.
The purpose of doing this is simple - the original meaning of Astrology showed the truth of the Redeemer and his conflict with evil. This knowledge was available to all. If Satanic deception was to succeed then is was vital that the divinely placed witness to truth be somehow obscured.
(d) The Worship of Man - Humanism.
This culminates in the worship of a man as God, which is the manifestation of the Spirit of Antichrist.
(e) Materialism - the belief that things and power could make you happy.
"Hercules, by the power of God, fought and overcame the giants".
"giants" = mighty ones = Nimrod and his army.
Nimrod's body was cut into 72 pieces and sent to the corners of the empire as a testimony to the judgment.
Bacchus is called "the Lamented One".
Hercules = Shem.
This agrees with the character of Shem as we see it in the Bible.
Names of Shem:
(a) Hercules (
(b) Sem (
Acknowledged to be the Egyptian name of Hercules. Osiris (= Nimrod) was said to die by the tusk of a wild boar.
Tusk symbolises power in the mouth, i.e. spiritual power.
(c) Shem is called by the apostates "Typho", the evil one
Shem means "to desolate, lay waste, the appointed one". Hence he was made to mean "the Destroyer, Desolater" i.e. the Devil.
Multitudes were said to follow Shem. A major revival came about.
(a) Rhea, the wife of Ninus, the "mother" of the gods.
(b) Isis (
She was pictured with a vulture headdress. Rhea can also be translated "vulture".
(c) Venus (
Pictured with a golden cup in her hand (c/f Rev 17:4).
(d) Parvati (
(e) Cybele - the goddess of fortifications.
Pictured with a turretted crown on her head.
(f) Diana (
(g) The Queen of Heaven.
(6) After Nimrod's execution Semiramus became pregnant. To prevent the standard punishment of stoning for immorality she claimed that this was to be "the promised seed of the woman". The promise of Gen 3:15 appears in all the myths. It was known that this redeemer would conquer evil by death and resurrection, hence she claimed that this was Nimrod reincarnated (the beginning of reincarnation). Nimrod became the great savior of the world who laid down his life for the sins of men. He was now being reborn in this child, which fortunately for her was a son.
She called her dead husband Zoroastes - "the seed of the woman" - and erected the mysteries to worship him. The theology was already present in the stars, she just borrowed it and then used false astrology to obscure the fact.
Hislop shows in the second part of his book how the rituals and practices and many of the so called decrees of the Popes are actually all faithful replicas of beliefs and practices of the ancient Babylonians three thousand years before Christ. Hence the absorption of mystery celebrations such as Christmas and Easter and Guy Fawkes are easy to understand. (Funeral pyres were burnt on Nov 5th in ancient
(1) The Festivals of Christendom are actually festivals of Nimrod.
(a) Christmas.
Clearly in the Bible is not Dec 25th as that is winter. Shepherds do not watch their flocks in the fields at night after October in
Dec 25th is actually the date of the festival in Ancient Babylon celebrating the birth of the child, called Yuleday.
Yule = an ancient Chaldee word meaning "infant, little child".
Christmas trees were common in Ancient Rome and
Memorial to the miraculous conception of Christ in the womb.
Observed in Pagan Rome in honour of Cybele.
Easter = Astarte, one of the titles of Beltis, the queen of heaven.
Astarte =
On the 1st May there were celebrations to Bel. 1st may called Beltane
Lent - fasting prior to this - was practiced in pagan
(d) Feast of the Nativity of
(f) Feast of Assumption - 15th August.
Celebrated in
(i) Baptismal Regeneration.
(ii) Reincarnation.
(iii) Justification by works.
(b) Counterfeit Christianity - a false messiah, an Antichrist who is both religious and political ruler.
(c) Occult worship -including astrology, idol worship and secret rites. The primary rite of this system has always been the destruction of innocent children in worship of this god (see Winkey Pratney "Devil Take the Youngest"). This rite is most clearly seen today in abortion, which is the worship of Satan.
(d) Humanism - the exaltation of men making themselves into god.
(e) Materalism - progress through human achievement.
This element is seen in particular in the form of a union of economic and religious systems in society in such a way that we see religious (or philosophic) rulers taking control of the political and economic system of a nation. Whenever religion and politics meet we see an immediate manifestation of the spirit of Antichrist. In its final form we shall see Antichrist himself as a religious and political ruler who performs economic miracles.
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