REV 3:1 "To the angel of the church in
REV 3:2 Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God.
REV 3:3 Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; obey it, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you.
REV 3:4 Yet you have a few people in
REV 3:5 He who overcomes will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out his name from the book of life, but will acknowledge his name before my Father and his angels.
REV 3:6 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
Today a small village called Sart.
Its main products were woollen goods and dyes. It had a name for luxury and laxity.
The city was destroyed by earthquake in A.D.17, but because of its wealth it was quickly rebuilt. However it was already in a period of decline.
(ii) The glory of the city all lay in the past. In the 6th century BC it was the capital of the Lydian
The city was impregnable, built on a causeway and couldn't be taken by direct assault. However it had twice been taken at night when the invading armies had advanced "like a thief" (Cyrus 540 BC and Antiochus 218 BC). The occupants of the city were so sure of their strength that they had not set a guard.
In later times the saying "to capture the acropolis of
(iii) The chief cult of the city was the mystery cult of Cybele, or Artemis, the mother goddess, coupled with the male god, Attis. Attis had a baptism initiation ceremony, in blood.
Large numbers of Jews were exiled to this region around 500BC so there was an established synagogue.
Was the same as the city. There was no strife, persecution or false teaching but it was lax and lush. The Church members were careless, only a few were not defiled. The Church was well thought of by everyone, a good example of inoffensive Christianity. They seemed to be unable to distinguish between the peace of well being and the peace of death. In fact the Church there is DEAD. Christ is said to have the seven spirits of life - they are available if anyone wants them, but the Church does not seem to be interested. The Church has a name of being alive, but is dead (2 Timothy 3:5). Like many of today's Churches, it is full of activity, but there is no life behind it.
(a) "has the seven spirits of God" - Life is available, Christ has it, but the implication is that the Church has not yet availed themselves of it.
The condemnation and the instruction come before the commendation in this case. This implies there is a sense of urgency. They need to change. There is no time to waste.
Their reputation was greater than the reality. Outwardly everything looked fine - good attendances, good giving, lots of programs - all the trappings of a successful Church and of life, but the reality is that it was an empty shell.
(a) "Wake up" - literally = "be watching" not like those who didn't when the city was taken by invading armies.
They began on good Christian works, but their lack of commitment meant that they gave up at any difficulty. Nothing they attempted was ever finished.
(I) "Remember" = "to bear in mind".
The Jewish idea of "remembering" is more dynamic than ours’. It is not to simply call to mind, but it is to re-enact, to cause to be real and true again by redoing.
C/f Acts 2:33.
This is not a reference to the Second Coming. In its context it primarily means the coming of Christ in judgement on a Church that fails to be truly "Christian". In such cases Christ eventually removes its function as a lampstand. In actual fact this has happened. There is no Church in
I.e. God will come and bless individual people in the Church, but the congregation as a whole will not know God's anointing.
A remnant who were loyal. There were many Christians but few "disciples".
(a) "clad in white garments" - i.e. be made totally pure in heart.
This must be a possibility or Christ would not have said it. But to be in the book in the first place means one is a Christian. Hence it would seem possible that one could lose salvation, but the reason for this would seem to be failing to continue in faith. This is in line with other NT texts which emphasise the necessity for continuation, or perseverance.
Exodus 32:32; Daniel 12:1; Isaiah 4:3; Psalms 69:28.
Prophetically this letter speaks of the Church of the Post Reformation era.
"Those escaping" refers to those escaping the
The Lord suggests through this letter that the work of the Reformers was incomplete. This is not to say that it was not good, but it wasn't complete. It was all a beginning of restoration of God's purposes, word and power, but it was not the end. The challenging of the practices and the deadness of the Church was not continued. Hence large elements of
The thing about the Reformers is that they made DOCTRINE the basis of the Church, e.g. Baptism, theories of Church government, etc.
One characteristic of Protestantism is that it undergoes regular revivals as the people Remember, Repent and Repeat, thus strengthening what remains. The end result of these revivals is almost always another denomination or group, but each in its turn arrives at the point of "having a name which is alive, but it is dead".
This letter implies that Protestantism has gone bad. The Reformation restored some truth to the Church. Justification, The Priesthood of All Believers, and the centrality of the Word were restored, but even these were not systematically applied. They were followed by Liberal "Scholarship" which sought to destroy the authority of the Word. The real problem these letters is addressing, the concept of a hierarchy of priests, was not addressed.
Interestingly the
(a) Does our reality match up to our reputation? Or are we among those who bring reproach on the name of Christ because of our lukewarmness?
(b) Have we really faced the issues of the Scripture in matters of faith and practice and completed the works we began?
(c) Have we thoroughly cleaned out
REV 3:7 "To the angel of the church in
REV 3:14 "To the angel of the church in
REV 3:15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!
REV 3:16 So, because you are lukewarm- neither hot nor cold- I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
REV 3:17 You say, `I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.
REV 3:18 I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.
REV 3:19 Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent.
REV 3:20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.
REV 3:21 To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne.
(i) The newest of the cities, founded and built by Attalus 11 Philadelphus of Pergamum (159-138 BC). It was built to be a missionary centre for Greek culture and language, in the backwards highlands of
It was founded in 140 BC at the junction of the roads to
(ii) The area was prone to earthquakes, and the city along with
Volcanic activity and
Nothing is known of it except what is in this letter.
These are both titles of God in the OT and are both possibly used here because the main problem the Church is facing is persecution initiated by the Jews in the city. They claimed Christ was a false Messiah.
The Jews in
They had an open door of missionary opportunity and they had used it.
Two lots of promise for this Church, before and after the warning.
“synagogue of Satan" - the city's Jewish population was large so there is no doubt that literal Jews were meant here. They had initiated the persecution of the Church. Christ here picks up the idea he uses in John that they were not Abraham's children at all, but those of the Devil. Again a title of
If we accept that this letter has a long term prophetic meaning then there may be a reference here to the eschatological salvation of the Jews as recorded in Romans 9-11.
This is a direct reference to the Messianic woes coming on the earth before Christ's return. In one sense they began with Christ, but at the end there will be a greater fulfilment. If we are obedient we will have some sort of Divine protection in those days.
The Greek here has two possible meanings:
(1) "I will keep you from it" i.e. remove you from the scene of it. This is the view of the pre-tribulation rapture school (Dispensationalism). Hence it is said to be a promise of the rapture happening before the Tribulation.
(2) Greek "from" = ek, which is often used in the sense of being present through something but untouched by it. Hence the word "keep" has to be interpreted in the sense of "protect".
Hence this could be said to be a prophecy that the Church, like
- The word.
- Confession of his name.
- Endurance.
- Brotherly love.
There is a permanence of dwelling here. A security in the building of God. There will be no loss of salvation for such a person. C/f notes on “dwell” in Revelation 2:13.
The name of God was promised to
To have the name of the city means you have citizenship in it. The Jews were asking for Christians to lose their citizenship in the city of
(a) As a prophecy this letter speaks of the period of Church history known as the "Missionary Age". This still continues, and hence in the letter we find a clear reference to the Second Coming. Part of the Church in existence in the last days will fit this letter, alongside of Churches like Thyatira,
The missionary Age of the Church really began with William Carey, a Baptist, who was the first modern missionary. The prevailing attitude of the times was Calvanistic, saying, "If God wants to save the Heathen He'll do it without us."
From small beginnings, individual men going out, large works have been done and large missionary organisations have been formed. This has resulted in Missionaries going into every country in the last 150 years.
(b) Amongst the leaders in this missionary movement was a small, but not insignificant group, who called themselves "The Christian Brothers", or more commonly known as "the Brethren".
Though one of the smallest of Denominations they have consistently had, per head, more missionaries on the field than any other group until very recently. This has only changed in the last ten years as certain Baptist and Pentecostal groups have overtaken them.
The importance of this group, the Brethren, in this prophecy is significant as they sum up the essence of what
(i) Encouragement and Teaching. The prevailing climate in the Churches was already quite liberal and not Bible Believing. The Brethren wanted to bring back Bible based teaching.
(ii) Worship, lead totally by the Holy Spirit recognising the Priesthood of All Believers. Hence when they met there was no planned program or speaker. Initially the Brethren met with the Irvingites, who were the Pentecostals of their day. The gifts of the Spirit were a regular occurrence in every meeting of the Christian Brothers.
(iii) Breaking of Bread. The Lord's Supper. Recognising the divisions that denominationalism had brought in the Church the Brothers simply met together, allowing Christians from all groups, to join them at the Table. It was, after all, the Lord's Table. Who are men to restrict it to a select few?
(iv) Missions and Evangelism. The desire of the Brethren was to spread the Word wherever possible, so large numbers of "Brethren" went out to unevangelised places. The growth of the movement was so rapid that within 20 years there were groups of Brothers in every country.
Unfortunately by 1850 the Enemy had got in and divided the Brethren so that the two groups would not fellowship with each other. In doing this they became Denominations in themselves. The Irvingites were also excluded from their midst and a rejection of the gifts of the Spirit began to follow. Later on the Brethren took a leading role in opposing the Pentecostal and Charismatic groups that arose out of the next restoration move of God. As a result many of their most promising people left the Brethren movement and joined the Charismatic groups or the Baptist churches – many of them became pastors and leaders in these churches. This drain off of men and women to other groups took away from the Brethren many of those who would otherwise have gone out as missionaries and so the missionary impact of the Brethren movement was severely curtailed. It seems that the more they opposed the Charismatics and Pentecostals, the more they lost to them and the les they did pioneer evangelism themselves.
However the truths restored through them are vital for the Church in the last days if we are to enter into the purposes of God.
The Brethren recognised
(a) The Church God wants, and has no condemnation for, has certain characteristics:
(1) It has brotherly love, accepting all who call on the name of the Lord.
(2) It is missionary oriented.
(3) It is Bible based, accepting no other authority.
(4) It has fully dealt with
(5) It openly confesses God's name.
(b) For a Church to "keep its crown", i.e. live in victory, we need to observe these things.
REV 3:14 "To the angel of the church in
REV 3:15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!
REV 3:16 So, because you are lukewarm- neither hot nor cold- I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
REV 3:17 You say, `I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.
REV 3:18 I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.
REV 3:19 Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent.
REV 3:20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.
REV 3:21 To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne.
REV 3:22 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."
(i) Founded by Antiochus II (261-240 BC) and named after his first wife, Laodice.
(ii) It was built on the junction of three major roads where the Lycus and Meander valleys were joined. Because it was better placed for commerce than for war it only rose to prominence under the peace of
(iii) It became a banking centre and industrial area, being famous for its textile industry which manufactured cloths and carpets from the special glossy black wool produced in the area.
(iv) It was particularly noted for its medical school and special cures, particularly its ear ointment and the Phrygian powder used in making eyesalve for eyestrain.
(v) When it was destroyed in the earthquake of AD60 it refused imperial aid in rebuilding. It was rebuilt in a square.
(vi) Water to the city came by underground aqueduct from
(vii) The city was affluent, and there was a large Jewish community of over 7000 males plus families, all of whom had citizenship.
Paul had not visited the city at the time of his first imprisonment (Colossians 2:1) so the Church had probably been founded by Epaphrus of Colossae (Colossians 1:7, 4:12). Paul wrote to
John again identifies the Church with the city, affluent, complacent, self satisfied, with only a nominal faith, counting outward prosperity as the sign of God's blessing.
dike = the customs, manners, usage, rights, requirements.
Here is another title of
Beginning here means "the source or origin". Hence it means "creation began because of him", not that he is created.
Christ has nothing good to say about them. As Christians they are a dismal failure.
(a) "you are neither hot nor cold"
Like the tepid water that supplied the city they were neither one nor the other. Rather they were indifferent, nominal, only fit to be spat out, like we would when we try to drink tepid water.
"hot" = fervent in Spirit (Romans 12:11).
"cold" = antagonistic to Christ.
God would rather have people who definitely oppose him than people who are indifferent. At least the opposer has something he stands for, hence has the possibility of being changed.
"spew you out".
This sounds like a complete rejection, but v18-20 shows that there is still hope, but only at the cost of true repentance. Without such repentance there is only rejection from Christ's body, a spewing out of something that is neither palatable to God, nor to the world. God has preferences of taste in food also!
"lukewarm" - implies that they are in a state of cooling off. They have moved away from the source of heat and are absorbing the fell of the surrounding environment.
(b) "You say" - in their own eyes they had it all together, and so boasted of the same.
"I am rich, I have prospered, I have need of nothing".
Their affluence had tricked them into thinking that they were blessed of God. They had forgotten that their affluence was common to the city - Christian and non- Christian alike. Thus it was in no way a sign of God's blessing. We would do well to remember the same!.
"I am rich" - Greek literally = "I have gotten riches".
It implies that this was by their own effort. Spiritual pride is clear. They are implying that their riches were because they were good Christians. Christianity is here being identified with middle class materialism.
"I lack nothing" - the poor Christians at
"poor" - a reference to the city's banks.
"blind" - a reference to the medical system there.
"naked" - a reference to the textile trade. Literally, "clad in rags".
In the natural they had all of these things in abundance, but they failed to see that they were spiritually bereft. Quite clearly from this letter we can see that material prosperity, for the Christian, is no sure sign of God's blessing. It may be, but then again it may not, as in this case. The attack here is not against being wealthy or prosperous, but on letting that delude you into believing God is blessing you. Riches can be a curse.
(iv) Instruction (v 18-20).
"buy from me" - Isaiah 55:1; Matthew 13:44-45 = a metaphor. You can buy from God by being faithful.
"gold..." = holy character, but it is only obtained by undergoing fires of trial and persecution (1 Peter 1:7).
"white garments" - the sort of thing martyrs wear. It is in contrast to the black garments
"salve..." - The city was famous for its eyesalve, but it couldn't open the eyes of the spiritually blind.
"Those who I love I reprove and chasten". - He still loved them so his attitude was one of discipline and correction, not of judgement.
"love" - Greek = phileo = to have affection for.
"be zealous and repent" - Zealousness wasn't their strong point.
"I stand at the door and knock" - This is not the heart's door but the door of the Church! Christ is outside wanting to get in.
So often the Church as an institution is the very thing that comes between individuals having a real relationship with God.
"I stand" - Greek imperfect tense = he has been there for some time and is still standing.
"Knock" - not a gentle tap, but the incessant pounding which is loud enough to penetrate even the deaf ears of
"If any man" - though they were Christians they needed to begin again. Christ had been squeezed out of their lives.
"Sup" = to have personal, intimate fellowship. In Eastern thought to eat bread, or salt, with someone meant that you were irrevocably bound to that person for life by covenant. You were friends forever.
This carries a reference to the communion and also to the coming Messianic supper.
Again there is a local colour here. The citizens of
(vii) Promise (v21).
"He who conquers" = to be zealous and repent.
"Sit with me on my throne" = to share in my power and victory.
There is a reference to local history here again. A family of
As a prophecy of the Church age this passage clearly speaks to the Church of the 20th Century, particularly in the Western world.
(1) The philosophy of humanism found here in
(2) We are wealthy, complacent, lukewarm. Our inability to stand for truth will result is the Church being absorbed into
The WCC embraces all religions - one of its leaders was for a while a Buddhist. It says any man can reach God through his own religion and is progressively removing all emphasis on the uniqueness of Christ.
In Laodicea Brotherhood lead by the Gifts of God's Spirit is replaced by democracy. Now the God given authority of those who He anoints to leadership is replaced by the vote of the majority. Every man does what is right in his own eyes. The congregational meeting becomes the authority, not the anointed leadership as proven by their gifts.
Hence the heresy of the Nicolaitans takes its other form. Instead of "power over the people", i.e. the tyranny of Dictatorship, we arrive at the power of the people, which is the tyranny of Lawlessness. Both are manifestations of the Spirit of Antichrist.
(4) Proud
The Brethren became the teachers in the Church, but became proud, saying they lacked in nothing as far as the truth was concerned. However in reality they lacked spiritual power. Claiming to see they became blind and began to oppose God as he restored to the Church more truth - viz the Baptism in the Spirit, the Gifts of the Spirit, Healing, Deliverance, etc. The result was a growth of ignorance, the anointing lifted off them. The leading men of the Brethren today are only a shadow of the men who lead the movement even 50 years ago. Christ stands at the door and knocks, he wants to come in and bless them again, but they stress objective truth and deny experience.
However there is a deposit of truth in the Brethren that God is going to raise up again. The Move of the Spirit in the Pentecostal and
(1) There is an objective standard of truth - Christ. Let's be narrow minded bigots for the truth!
(2) Don't confuse prosperity for God's blessing or approval, nor poverty for his curse. Things are not as simple as that.
(3) We need to repent of our society and its attitudes. Every one of us is to some degree in bondage to that spirit.
(4) Christ knocks - but do we experience that intimate fellowship with him as a friend? Have we got so busy that we have squeezed him out of our lives?
(5) Let's get radical with the truth of the Priesthood of all believers. The power of the Spirit is locked away because of traditional Church structures that restrict the ministry of the Church to a few "elite" professionals.
1 comment:
Wow - thank you, thank you, thank you for your truly remarkable and Biblical blog! I definitely agree with you! Have you seen MacPherson's bestselling book "The Rapture Plot" (Armageddon Books)? It is 300 pages of newly uncovered documentation showing how the pretrib rapture view was born in Britain in 1830. Many top scholars have endorsed its research (Google "Scholars Weigh My Research"). Thanks again for your super blog! Irv
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